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Audio Dramas reminiscent of Radio Plays.

~Available Now, Click to View~


By Eugene O’Neill

Directed and adapted by Will Thurston

The classic American tragedy locally adapted for radio and starring veteran Players Terrence Knox, Maycee McQuinn and Deven Austin. 

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Dracula Dot Com

By Julie Hoverson of 19 Nocturne Boulevard

Directed by J. Spyder Isaacson

Assistant Director Kate D. Clark-Isaacson

Everyone knows the classic story of “Dracula”… but have you ever wondered what it would have been like if it had taken place in the 21st Century? That’s the premise of the premiere Richland Players audio production “Dracula Dot Com,” currently in production. The story takes some whimsical twists and turns as it navigates from an 18th-century vampire to the 21st-century protagonists and supporting characters, resulting in a hilarious take on the oft-told story.

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Tel: 509-943-1991  |  Open Hours

608 The Parkway Richland, WA 99352


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