Chautauqua Presentations
Educational and Historical theatre
The Chautauqua movement in our country has a long and colorful history that began in the late 1800s on the shores of Lake Chautauqua. It started as a summer camp where representatives from rural communities would gather for a few weeks and witness the latest scientific experiments, listen to the latest philosophy and educate themselves on the advancements of the modern world. In the evenings they would listen to speeches and music, watch theatre and dance and be entertained by specialty acts. Then the participants would return home and share everything they had experienced with their rural communities. Later troupes were formed and toured the country like circuses and would parade through town and pitch their tents in the town park and teach during the day and entertain in the evenings bringing the latest innovations to remote areas. As the centennial celebrations erupted in the late 1900’s the movement reversed itself and focused on bring historical events to life. Educational theatre based on historical events and characters defines the Chautauqua movement of today. The Richland Players plan to join the parade and bring our history to life with monologues and plays.
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Written & Performed by Randy Milligan
Theodore Roosevelt has been remembered for many accomplishments but his charge up San Juan hill in Cuba during the Spanish American war was one of his most defining moments. It launched his political career and made him an American hero. The Rough Riders who followed him became legendary. In this Chautauqua presentation Roosevelt remembers the Rough Riders and probably the most exciting moment of his life.
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Written & Performed by Randy Milligan
Theodore Roosevelt talks about the importance of conservation for future generations.
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Written & Performed by Randy Milligan
Reading was one of Theodore Roosevelt’s favorite pursuits and he did a lot of it during his time spent in the West. He believed that any American who expected to be a good citizen of our great country must know how to read. So he insisted that his rough and rowdy ranch hands spend their evenings learning how to read and write and developed friendships that lasted for a lifetime.
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Mark Twain’s Jumping Frog Story
Written & Performed by Randy Milligan
Samuel Clemens talks about the frog story that launched Mark Twain’s career and created an international phenomenon. In the Chautauqua style it is both entertaining and educational.
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Samuel Clemens, Mark Twain’s Shadow
Written & Performed by Randy Milligan
As a first of many historical characters that we hope will visit us, please enjoy this . It’s a short script with lots of wit and wisdom celebrating the writer’s 70th birthday.